Thursday, January 29, 2009

Day Twenty-Nine

Already a tease

Allison would smile right at me until I took a picture. Then she would turn her head and laugh her cute little baby laugh until she choked. She finds herself hilarious! 1-29-09

Day Twenty-Eight

There's not much else to do when you have a sick tummy.

She beat her Wii Disney Princess game yesterday. I have NEVER in my life beat a game. She is five and already better at this stuff than Mom. 1-28-09

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Day Twenty-Seven

Made With Love

They may not be the prettiest cookies ever made, but the girls and I sure had fun making them!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Day Twenty-Six

Movie NightOn cold winter nights I like to make the girls blanket nests on my bed just like my mom did for me when I was little. They snuggle up, watch a movie, and snack on dry cheerios. 1-26-09

Day Twenty-five

Rockin' Out

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Day Twenty-Four


Natalie, 5; Alexis, 7 1-24-09

Friday, January 23, 2009

Day Twenty-Three

Whatever It Takes

Here we have propped Allie up in her exersaucer. She isn't big enough to reach the bottom so we folded a blanket and put it under her feet. One day she will like playing with the toys. Right now she just likes sitting up like a big girl and feeling like she is a part of the action. 1-23-09

Day Twenty-Two

As much as they argue and get mad at each other, deep down they love each other unconditionally. They love to be together, even if it is just watching some morning cartoons.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Day Twenty-One

My New Hair

Day Twenty

Playing with Mommy's sunglasses


Day Nineteen


This isn't the greatest picture, but I couldn't resist! Axel loves to snuggle up with Allie while she snoozes on the couch. She seems to like it too!

Day Eighteen

A Saving Grace

The best thing for a family with colds....the Vicks humidifier! 1-19-09

Day Seventeen

Sleeping Beauty

Aren't kids wonderful when they are sleeping? Notice the beloved frog blanket that she can't sleep without and the pink pillow that was mine when I was a baby. 1-17-09

Day Sixteen

Bee Feet

I just love Allie's little bee jammies! 1-06-09

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Day Fifteen

The Best Doll Ever!

My girls have a great number of dolls. They have the American Girl Bitty Baby twins. They have the Baby Alive that eats and poops. They have dolls that sing. They have dolls that laugh. They have more Cabbage Patch dolls than I can count on TWO hands. And yet, this doll is the one they covet the most. The one with the gross brown stains on it's head, eyes that never completely open, and no clothes. This is the one that causes the most screaming matches. This is the one that I have to democratically decided who gets to take it to bed at night. This is their favorite. Go figure! 1-15-09

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Day Fourteen

So Sweet

You gotta love that precious little grin. I know I do. 1-14-09

Day Thirteen

Commanding an Audience
I asked Natalie to keep Allison entertained for a few minutes while I took a shower. This is what I came out to. 1-13-09

Monday, January 12, 2009

Day Twelve

Three for one
(because I couldn't pick)

I would kill for this child's eyelashes.


Showing off the art project she made at "school".


Look who has found her hand!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Day Eleven

A Few of My Favorite Things

Volume One

I am not a particularly big fan of chickens. They are certainly not what I wanted the theme of my kitchen to be. That being said, here is my collection of chicken dishes that I proudly display on my hutch. Both the hutch and the dishes came to me from my Grandmother when she moved into a nursing home. The chicken adorned plates, mugs, salt and pepper shakers, butter dish, creamer and sugar bowl belonged to her mother (my great grandmother), were passed down to her, are now here with me and will one day be passed along to my girls. 1-11-09

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Day Ten

Air Head

There are not many sounds in this world that can top that of a little girl laughing so hard she is gasping. Nessa really enjoyed the hairdo she was getting by sitting on the vent when the heater was on. 1-10-09

Friday, January 9, 2009

Day Nine

Lunch with Nana

Today we went to Braum's for lunch with one of our favorite people in the entire world. My Mom!!! We are all lucky that she gets off work early on Fridays and we can usually be found eating, shopping, playing, or a combination of all three! 1-9-09

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Day Eight

Once Upon A Time


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Day Seven

My New Red Purse

I thought this posted last night...guess not. Nothing special today. Just my new purse I got when Nessa, Allie and I went shopping while Nat was in school. I heart it very much! 1-7-09

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Day Six

My Thoughts Exactly

This is Natalie's mood chart that hangs on the fridge. Today the box is around "Little Miss Trouble". That about says it all. 1-609

Monday, January 5, 2009

Day Five

Beautiful Girls

My girls love playing with make-up. Notice the purple lipstick and the pink blush circles. Natalie asked me if they looked beautiful and I didn't lie. I told her that they always look beautiful. 1-5-09

Day Four

Already a day behind

I'm always getting on to my girls about the importance of sharing. They could have just kept this stomach bug to themselves, though. Since I was sick and didn't get on the computer yesterday I am now behind. Already. Here is a gratuitously cute picture of Allie, the only happy one in the house. 1-4-09

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Day Three

Poor dog.

Vanessa threw up on Axel this morning. We're talking direct hit to the back. I felt bad for both of them but, to be honest, it was one of the more hilarious things I have seen in a while. 1-3-09

Friday, January 2, 2009

Day Two

Growing up too quickly

These "I Love Daddy"/"I Love Mommy" jammies have been worn by all three of my girls. I remember vividly when they were too big for my oldest, and now they are getting too small for my youngest. After today I will fold them up one last time and put them in the hope chest. 1-2-09

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Day One

New Year's Day Essentials

We kicked off the New Year with a bang. Or rather, an explosion of sorts. At one o'clock this morning Vanessa woke up puking. The older girls have been felled by a yucky stomach bug that requires tylenol, the thermometer, a bottle of fruit punch flavored Gatorade, and an obstruction free path to the bathroom at all times. 1-1-09