Monday, March 9, 2009

Yuuuuummmmm.....Baby Slobber!!
Ok, so this was really taken yesterday but I kind of forgot to take any today! Also, don't worry, I totally tried to wipe her hand off before she put it back into her mouth. Let's just say we are building up her immunities! 3-7-09

Day Sixty-Five

A sunbeam and a smile
Allie was enjoying herself rolling back and forth on the floor in front of the open window. This is one more reason I am beyond anxious for Spring to get here! 3-6-09

Day Sixty-Four

Yet another milestone reached.Look at who can reach for and pick up her own toys now! You have never seen a baby so happy as Allison when she succeeds at getting her rattle into her mouth. It is a joy that is contagious. Even Natalie and Vanessa get down with her and cheer her on! 3-5-09

Day Sixty-Three

How do you spend the day after Sesame Street Live?Wearing your souvenir t-shirt and playing with your figurine set, of course! 3-4-09

Day Sixty-Two

The excitement was palpable!
Oh, yeah! It's time for Sesame Street Live!! 3-3-09

Day Sixty-One

Only for you, Carisa!!
There are some things you try just because your best friend wants you to. I believe this is called peer pressure!! 3-2-09

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Day Sixty

Sweet SistersHugs and kisses from Nessy to her baby sis. 3-1-09

Day Fifty-Nine

All ready for family movie night
Movie: Space Buddies
Snack: deluxe ice cream sundaes

Friday, February 27, 2009

Day Fifty-Eight

The GirlsThis picture came home in Natalie's backpack today. These are all the girls in Natalie's Pre-K class on Pajamas and Pancakes Day. Nat is the second from the right. Aren't they cute? 2-27-09

Day Fifty-Seven

Self-Portraits With My GirlsJust having some fun with the three most beautiful girls in the entire world. Love them! 2-26-09

Day Fifty-Six

Ready, Set, Go!!2-25-09

Day Fifty-Five

Delicious Dairy DessertYou have to love a day in February that is nice enough to sit outside and enjoy a dilly bar, or as Natalie calls it, her delicious dairy dessert!! 2-24-09

Day Fifty-Four

Hello Beautiful!My new laptop. 2-23-09

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Day Fifty-Three


Day Fifty-One

A Fancy Lady's Checklist

fancy sunglasses....check.
patriotic head scarf....check.
blue eyed ballerina baby named Snowflake....check.
fluffy white puppy in a pink sparkly shirt....check.

Day Fifty-Two

Family Movie NightSaturdays are usually Family Movie Night here. We put a movie on in the living room, turn off the lights, get in our jammies, and snuggle up with a good snack. This week was Barbie of Swan Lake (Natalie's choice) and popcorn. 2-21-09

Day Fifty

Always Climbing
Vanessa has enough bravery in her small body for all the rest of us combined. She may be tiny and quiet, but the girl loves to be a dare-devil here at home. We have had some close calls, but so far she has remained intact. Knock on wood. 2-19-09

Day Forty-Nine

Sweet Pea2-18-09

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Day Forty-Eight

Little TrooperShe has gotten used to the breathing treatments for the most part. Occasionally she even flashes us a grin from behind the mask. 2-17-09

Day Forty-Seven

It is a miracle I can operate this machine.
A guy came to our house to deliver our nebulizer Monday. I didn't hear half of what he said. I was too busy trying desperately to remember who he looked like. That's right. When I should have been listening to the instructions on how to use a machine that plugs into the wall and then connects to my babies face I was too busy mentally picturing what every single male celebrities face would look like if they were a bit chubby and had a full beard. I never figured it out. The look-alike not the machine. The machine I've got down! 2-16-09

Monday, February 16, 2009

Day Forty-Six

Sweet and Beautiful

Day Forty-Five

Daddy's Valentines
The loves of my life. 2-14-09

Day Forty-Four

School Party Loot


Friday, February 13, 2009

Day Forty-Three

My Own American IdolNatalie loves to sing. LOVES IT! Here she is using the sprinkler hose attachment as a microphone. She is also wearing her most favorite hat (it was part of a Freddy Kruger costume of Larry's). She is such a little performer! 2-12-09

Day Forty-Two

Walking on waterWhen we went to the park the other day the pond was still half frozen. The girls thought it was so cool to throw crackers to the geese as they walked on the ice. 2-11-09

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Day Forty-One

Tunnel Vision
Enjoying another nice day in the backyard. 2-10-09

Day Forty

Blue Eyed Baby
Isn't she precious? 2-9-09

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Day Thirty-Nine

It may have felt like Spring but it still looks a lot like Winter
These last few days of beautiful, mild temperatures have made me yearn for Spring. I have to look up at the bare trees and grey skies to remind myself that winter is not gone yet. 2-8-09

Day Thirty-Eight

You have a little something on your face.For more pictures of my nephew Brayden's 1st birthday party see here! 2-7-09

Friday, February 6, 2009

Day Thirty-Seven

Hello there!Is it just me or does Vanessa look a lot more excited about this interaction then Allison? 2-6-09

Day Thirty-Six

Pretty Girl....Pretty Day

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Day Thirty-Five

Hi Baby!
I was in the line to pick up Natalie from preschool today and couldn't help but snap a picture of her waving to me. What a doll! 2-4-09

Day Thirty-Four

Hopefully the answer to our problems

We are going to try to fix Allison's congestion with this new formula. I sure do hope it works.


Day Thirty-Three

Me and My Girls

I'm kind of cheating since this picture wasn't taken on Monday (it was actually the 20th of January). And it wasn't taken by me. Oh well! 2-2-09

Monday, February 2, 2009

Day Thirty-Two

When did my hair get so dark?I was going through the pictures from the Super Bowl party we went to and I hardly recognized myself. My hair is at it's natural color now. No dye. It's funny though, I still think of myself as a blonde! 2-1-09

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Day Thirty-One

Come on Sis!It was a beautiful last day of January. The sun was shining and the temperature was near 70. What better way to enjoy a warm winter day then a trip to the park?!? 1-31-09

Day Thirty

1 MinuteIn an act of desperation Vanessa had her first time-out today. She was warned after hitting her big sister and then still proceeded to throw a plastic doll at her. Yes, she hated it. Yes, she stayed there for her whole minute.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Day Twenty-Nine

Already a tease

Allison would smile right at me until I took a picture. Then she would turn her head and laugh her cute little baby laugh until she choked. She finds herself hilarious! 1-29-09